Flash for sale.

 Mix Flash 8 with wide spread broadband low cost  access and suddenly you are seeing some really neat ideas about menu interfaces and homepage design.

blogpageV.jpg Alex Frank from Essen in Germany did THIS, as part of his final year diploma in Communication Design. 

Wildcard in Japan have done THESE amazing intuitive line animations.

Taeko Onuki's fan site designed by Wildcard is worth a look (takes awhile to see it all)

Not able to think of anything original? buy THIS. instant flash site's to reskin from $145 

But does your web site need to inform or to excite? do you even need anything more than a mono blog if up to date information is the only reason your on the web in the first place? I feel many brands have lost some focus over the crucial question of what part online communications play within a marketing mix.

A fully featured site can do many things, some of them incredibly whizzy. Classic question really, just because you can, should you?