In a number of tech usage areas, brands are a step behind actual consumer behaviour. Brand Lag being a neat term of the moment. WiFi in shops and what shoppers are doing with their phones is an issue that a number of brands are not up to speed with shopper wants. -an area I have been working on this last year.
In a similar vein BBH ventures have a new product out (Playground sessions) that fills in a gap where no product existed, but behaviour had already been established, in this case learning musical instruments via YouTube"...The product was first developed through Zag’s “brand lag” process, where the company identifies areas where consumer activity is outpacing brand activity.
“We identified different territories of brand lag and one was around adult learning,” says Vance, who joined Zag in 2009. “The other was around digital music. YouTube is in many ways associated with music and it was clear that a lot of people were going to YouTube to learn how to play instruments.” The phenomenon of Guitar Hero was also a contributing factor shaping the idea for the new product. “We knew that with technology and scale there was the opportunity to converge gaming and learning,” says Vance. “Can we do Guitar Hero with a real musical instrument; can we do Rosetta Stone with instruments? The challenge was, can we reinvent how instruments are taught. We identified the brand lag, then it became a question of, can we build it?....” More HERE