This is good, a real time look at social media chatter about the ads during the Superbowl this weekend. seen via edwardboches
O&M round up from CES.
2013 was the first year with no Microsoft and as ever, little from mobile brands or anything from Apple etc.
You can see the pub from here*
Fantastic views from the top of the Shard. Still awaiting my own chance to go up, £25 ticket not withstanding. For the moment Will Pearson has captured a full 360 panable HD image.
* = in Brighton, thanks to TimeOut for the gag.
Q = What is Advertising in 2020? A = Less a subset of ballistics more deliberate and useful arson
Mark Earls & John Willshire http://smithery. Jan 2013
Strange abandoned Disneyland-a-like
Film by Catherine Hyland on Vimeo
Wonderland from catherine Hyland on Vimeo.
The Chinese give up on an attempt to build a knock-off Disneyland and leave the half built buildings to the farmers they had tried to kick-off the land in the first place. Also good photoset of it at The Washington Post
'I'm interested in creating skilled dangerous minds'
Neville Brody. Dean. Royal College of Art. 2012
Simple is best.
I do like a simple chart. This from Danyl Bosomworth on Smart Insights pretty much does in one page what others take a whole deck to explain.
The caption for this chart is; "..It’s almost a year ago since we created our blueprint for content marketing infographic – and with so much conversation now around the converging of digital and ‘off-line’ media, the proliferation of mobile and the increasing popularity of marketers talking about paid, owned and earned media we wanted to update our blueprint for 2013.."
Why did you call your agency 'Wibble Fish' ?
A very handy, cut out and keep guide to agency names, By Rob & Joe, seen at The Inspiration Room. This chart should be first port of call for any start-up. Best advice, take a really, really long step back before you choose.
My best was 'Hicklin Slade & Partners' sounded solid even when there was only 3 of us in my front room, but even better when there was 90 of us in an office opposite Nike Town. My worst? 'Passion' not least because there are a ton of creative agencies called similar AND a stack of porn suppliers, still, kept our bank amused when we named the account; Give me passion, as our clients finance departments had to make all references to what sounded like an escort service!
Who'd have thought? geeks in the White House.
Welcome to Wonderland
There is something of a mini industry in publishing pictures of abandoned buildings, but this is really something new, an rip=off version of Disneyland abandoned half way through construction
The colour of fandom
Just in case you needed reminding, there are way too many Man U fans in London! -great bit of big data collation by Oxford Internet Institute. Taking Twitter info and mapping by postcode. Only works for the Premiership at the moment so no word on my fellow Sheffield Wednesday supporters, well, apart from Andrew at DDB.
Post Linkedin, the battle for your professional profile.
Choice can be a cruel option. A few years ago an online professional profile meant Linkedin. Now due to the success of the latter we have loads of options. But do you go for one of the flasher new boys or stick with the increasingly spamy Linkedin? tough call, because most peps recruiting/booking gigs go to Linkedin as first port of call.
I have been trying out a couple of the new ones recently. Vizify looks great and is a doddle to set up. Maybe a bit too style over content, but I do like the look of it. Upmo is more Linkedin-a-like currently a bit buggy and some features are in 'coming soon' mode. It does feature a 'score' number, but a bit like Klout its debatable as to how valuable that may be.
Another year review
There must be gazillions of these across the web by now, Google and the BBC's even making two week stands in the viral charts.
Data nerd alert
This is just awesome. ALL the news broadcasts of 30 top news gathers since 2009 in one place. Fully searcable with instant results. Shows what is being said (and NOT said) about key subjects across the world.
"..The Internet Archive, a giant aggregator and digitizer of data, now includes all the television news produced in the last three years by 20 different channels. The collection includes more than 1000 news series that have generated more than 350,000 separate programs..."
Brewster Kahle, founder of the Internet Archive, told TheNew York Times that his company, based in Richmond, CA, “wants to collect all the books, music and video that has ever been produced by humans.”
The new fan :
all seems a very long time ago, but an amazing experience
Yes thats me and in 3D as well
27 Friday 2012
Few of us in the normal run of things get to perform. Fewer of us still to a big audience, but today in front of the biggest TV audience in the world we will perform. What's more we're doing it live baby, no replays, no cuts, and one chance, one hit. We’re going to nail it because we are brilliant. So brilliant because we’re caught on wave of energy only an amateur, a volunteer can produce. Freed from the concerns of a season professional. We, the volunteers for London. Friday is our day. We are the show. We’ve raised the bar, a bunch of the most random people the country had to offer, but we will nail it. We will make the world stand up. We will make the world think. Real people, doing real stuff for a country they live in. No Government, No Sponsor. Just passion for the show.
I love what we’re doing. I love my new friends. Today is our day. The people’s day. The athletes will wait. Because today we will be us. Thank you Danny for this chance, We will not disappoint you.
What does the internet smell of?
Best bit however with the whole idea is the fact its an open source start up with everything posted online for you to build your own. The process of making and connecting becomes part of the values to the whole enterprise. Very much an internet of things project.
Benjamin Redford from Mint Design the people responsible will be speaking about this tonight (May 30) at the Hospital Club in London. WC2H 9HQ